“SYMA” Cinematic Drone

Cinematic Drone 45 seconds Client: Syma USA Syma offers some of the greatest drones in the market. For this product they wanted a happy girl to showcase how easy it is to fly this product while showing its great features with motion graphics and animated titles. Service: Amazon Video Ad Set Cinematography: Adam Bourque Actors: Shannon Murphy  https://youtu.be/iVyEnNchHaI […]

“66” Cards with a kick

Cards with a kick Client: Cards With a Kick A new product that wanted to give an overall feeling of how wonderful it is to play this game as a couple. Service: Marketing Video Cinematography: Alejandro Hutarte Check out other recent productions:

Coupons —

In this section, we will explain in more detail how our coupon system works, how to create coupons for us, and what to do or not to do. COUPON TYPE To promote your product on Amazon Live using coupon codes, we can only accept Social Media Promo Codes. Currently, those are the only codes accepts […]