In this section, we will explain in more detail how our coupon system works, how to create coupons for us, and what to do or not to do.
To promote your product on Amazon Live using coupon codes, we can only accept Social Media Promo Codes. Currently, those are the only codes accepts by the Amazon Live team. The process to create such codes is very easy.
Please use THIS GUIDE to create Social Coupon codes that we can use in our Amazon Live shows as well as when boosting our emails and promotions to our Top Rated club members.

Whether we promote one ASIN for you, or more, we highly recommend creating a product selection called TOP RATED.
Once you create a specific TOP RATED product selection you can add any of your ASINs into this product selection and offer a discount that will affect all products promoted by us. Then, if you’d like to stop promoting a specific product, you can simply remove this ASIN from the product selection.
In case you have 2 types of promotions (e.g., one product is offered at 50% off and the others at 25% off, simply create an additional TOP RATED PRODUCT SELECTION called TOP RATED 50 OFF.
Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.